Project Description
Designed to reduce accidents and save lives, our RoadQuake 2 Rumble Strip alerts drivers to changing road conditions.
Temporary Portable Rumble Strip is Road Safety Reinvented!
New ODOT Standard Drawing: ODOT – rumble strips MT-97_20
Our Rumble Strip Alerts Drivers to Changing Road Conditions
In work zones accidents, a recent study reveals that more drivers are killed than construction workers. Designed to reduce accidents and save lives, our RoadQuake 2 Rumble Strip alerts drivers to changing road conditions.
Our rumble strips can significantly reduce the major causes of work zone accidents and fatalities: driving too fast for conditions, following too closely to the car ahead, and making improper lane changes. Most importantly, our rumble strips can shake drivers from their distractions, whether it is manual, like tuning the radio, visual, like reading a billboard, or cognitive, like talking on the phone. Our rumble strips provide significant sounds and vibrations that alert drivers to pay attention to their driving. The rumble of the vibrations, combined with the familiar “bump-da-bump” sound of tires driving over strips, is as loud and vibrating as driving over milled-in rumble strips.
Temporary Portable Rumble Strip Applications
We designed our rumble strips for use in work zones of short duration. Our rumble strips are ideal for use where the zone is set up and torn down frequently, perhaps every day.
Those applications include:
Flagger Operations
Pilot Car Operations
Temporary Checkpoints
Temporary Lane Closures
Paving Projects
Maintenance Tasks
Emergency Traffic Control

Temporary Portable Rumble Strip Features and Benefits:
As traffic safety advocates and zealots, we believe DOTs should mandate the use of our rumble strips in work zones.
RoadQuake2 Rumble Strips are currently rated for use in speeds of 75 MPH or less, and are:
No glue, no nails, no adhesive is required for installation.
Our rumble strip simply conforms to the surface of the road. So, users can install and remove our strips in minutes. No pulling nails, or removing adhesives from the road. Best of all, our strips are reusable!
Very easy to install, remove transport and store. Users can install and remove our strips from the road without any mechanical equipment. Transport by truck or car from one job to the next is simple, too.
We’re out there when you’re out there.
Use RoadQuake 2 in colder weather, in temperatures from 0° to 180° F. Resists most inclement weather. 3-5 year life in normal use. Users enjoy very significant life-cycle savings.